*** I am currently looking for someone who would be interested in transporting our kitties to their vet appts to get spayed and neutered. I live close to the Polaris mall, in Lewis Center, and the kitties would be going between SOS of Ohio or The Capital Area Humane Society. I just need someone to pick up and drop off for me. I am happy to give you gas money to transport them. My number is 614-832-2015. Ask for Lynn! Thanks!!***

Angels Assisting Felines

We are a cat rescue. 
See "About Us" for more information on our mission and background. Our primary focus is to help as many cats as possible. We are an easy organization to work with. Our adoption and foster program is simple. No red tape to slow down the process. Come and visit the cat or kitten that you are interested in and have a short interview. Occasionally we require a home visit based on the interview, but in most cases be prepared to take your new pet home the same day.

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The Angel Blog

I'm a crazy cat lady, not a blogger. 

So you have to be a little crazy to start a cat rescue. Well maybe a lot crazy. Or maybe just cat crazy? Since I spend 95% of my time rescuing cats, I probably have earned the distinguished title of "the crazy cat lady".  

At any rate, I'm a little new at this blogging thing. So for my first attempt, I just wanted to say that I am very excited to be making progress with the business side of things and I wanted to give you a quick update. We now have our not-for-profit status and donations are helping our cause. Our rescue is growing, the word is getting out, and today we went live with our brand new website!
I hope everyone enjoys our site. We still have some more work to do here, but it's a great start. Please share our site and feel free to share our adoptable cats on your facebook page by clicking on their gallery link. We will have more of our feline friends on the adoption page very soon.

This has just been such a blessing and a rewarding adventure for me. I hope I can find the time to share some of my experiences in this blog. I also thought I could use this forum to write about other things that may be of interest to my fellow cat lovers. So if you have any questions or suggestions for things you would like me to blog about, please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks in advance for putting up with my special kind of crazy.

Mary "the cat lady" Lopez 
(I left the crazy part out!)
